I had intended (and still may) buy a 4x5 tank, but thought I'd first do some in trays. I was about to order three small developing trays from Adorama when I wondered if there was anything around the house I could use. After considering some Safeway plastic mashed potato containers, I settled on Crystal Geyser gallon bottles, cut in half. These made remarkably good trays with ribs to help the chemicals circulate and a big spout to pour the chemicals back into bottles. So this (left) is my 4x5 developing kit - three halves of some one gallon bottles in a large tray that was once a print washer. And it worked like a charm I have to say. The first negs done in this setup and the first I've developed in 10 years, have no streaking or scratches. Impatience has some benefits.
After accidentally developing my last roll of 120 for 2 minutes less than I should have, I found that negatives, though thin, produced some quite pleasing results. So I developed one of my two 4x5 negatives for 9 minutes, the recommend time for Delta 100 in Xtol 1+1 @ 20C, and the other for 8 minutes.
These are the two images. On the left is the under-developed negative, on the right the one developed for the recommended time.
I haven't made up my mind whether I like the under-cooked image better. But It's something to experiment with.