Friday, February 15, 2013

Some Arista EDU Ultra 200 in Xtol 1+1

Most are straight scans, to some I applied a simple convex curve to lighten the middle. The air was cold (for California) and exceptionally clear. The film is quite grainy, doesn't hold shadow detail as well as Neopan 100, and needs probably half a stop more exposure, but the overall effect isn't too dreadful.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

A puzzle

I developed three rolls of film this evening. All were disappointing. It seems like all three were underexposed by about 1 to 2 stops. That's odd because I don't think I've changed my metering. Two rolls were Arista 200, one was Neopan 100 so it's probably not film related. The only other thing I did differently this time was use Xtol stock rather than 1+1. Whether they are too thin to print I don't know yet, but there's obviously a lot of shadow detail that will be lost. I hope it's not my handy calculator. Two steps forward, one step back... or is it the other way round.